Membership is open to all and your membership dues support many club activities. We’d love to have you join in the fun.
Feel free to visit a monthly meeting before actually joining to see what we’re all about.
Annual dues of $36.00 are paid in August of each year.
Membership Application
If you would like to become a member, complete a membership form and pay your dues at your next meeting or email austinbeadsociety@gmail.com.

Membership Benefits
Member Discounts
Some vendors and bead shops offer our members a discount. Be sure to mention to them if you are a member.
Workshops and Programs
We have regular events and programs at our monthly meetings to help further our knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests. If you have a program suggestion, please email us at austinbeadsociety@gmail,com
Parties, Bead Retreats, Bead-ins, Get-togethers
We have a few parties and pot lucks throughout the year. We are pretty good at finding excuses to get together with our friends and share our interests in new and old beads, or just about anything that has a hole through it so you can put it on a string.
Unofficial “Bennies”
One of the best benefits is that you are in contact with other people in the community who believe that doing anything with BEADS is a great thing. Whether you are a seasoned craftsperson, a budding jewelry designer, a bead collector, or just want to learn how to make a pair of simple earrings or a necklace to match a new outfit, we probably have a number of members who share your interests. Even if we don’t, maybe you’ll get us started learning about your favorite beads, stitches and techniques.
Annual dues of $36.00 are paid in August of each year.
The money can be paid in person at a monthly meeting or paid via Zelle, Venmo, or mailed to:
Austin Bead Society
P. O. Box 29145
Austin, TX 78755
1. Enter the recipient as @AustinBeadSociety
1. Enter the recipient as austinbeadsociety@gmail.com
2. Enter $36.00 for the amount.
3. Type in the Note space: Your Name and ABS Dues
4. Confirm the amount and hit send.